25 Years, 25 Stories

Do you ever stop and look up because you feel like something major just happened? Suddenly, we’ve found ourselves in the midst of a major milestone. We’ve just turned 25.


Byron Shemroske

Even if you’ve never met Byron Shemroske, if you’ve gotten your hair cut in Louisiana, there’s a good chance that he directly affected the way your style looks. That’s because Byron sharpens shears for us at Paris Parker, as well as many salons.


Wendy Daly

It’s 9:00 on a Monday morning. Wendy Daly, a successful, multi-location owner of the W. Daly salons in Georgia, looks out at her team in a staff meeting, takes a deep breath, and shares her story.


Debra Neill Baker CEO of Neill Corporation

Debra Neill Baker is one of the owners of Neill Corporation, the Aveda Distributor for the South, and the parent company of the Paris Parker Salons. She is also the co-founder of Serious Business, a prestigious national conference for salon professionals (think TedTalks for the beauty industry).