Craig Boutte

Craig Boutte is a rare breed: a talented stylist who left Paris Parker to become an inner-city minister, only to return eight years later to do education events in our salons. From Craig, we have learned the value of a generous heart—and the tenacity of the relationships forged behind the chair.


Stacie Spiers

If you meet Stacie Spiers in person, the first thing you might notice about her is the face-framing cloud of dark ringlets that complements her pale skin and high cheekbones. Stacie is the authority on curly hair–but unlike her hair texture, that expertise isn’t something she was born with.


Sasha Ahart

Sasha is the Makeup Director at Paris Parker, an Aveda Makeup Purefessional, and her work has been seen in magazines nationwide.


Michael Barnett

“Me and my wife both had big Afros,” remembers hairdresser veteran Michael Barnett. “Perms were really horrible on hair. It was fun and different at the time, but do I see it coming back? God, I hope not.”